My First Show Girl Hatching Egg Project-*PIC HEAVY*

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11 Years
Nov 10, 2008
Benton TN
This is going to be a long and pic heavy post so please hang in there with me.

I picked up my 12 Show Girl eggs that fowlrus sent me from the post office on Wednesday morning. I must say that this is the first time I have ever received eggs in the mail. Or embryos as the PO lady called them. I am VERY impressed at the amount of care and packing material that was put into protecting the eggs. The lady at the post office was very impressed as well. She had me open and inspect the eggs before leaving the PO just incase there was anything broken she was going to refund the shipping and have me file a complaint. She said she hated when the postal workers treated these types of packages roughly. I think she just wanted to see the way they were packed. Either way the eggs arrived in PERFECT condition and I put them in the bator at 9pm that night. I gave them time to come to room temp and settle before I started them. I decided to put them in the Little Giant incubator and it doesn't have the auto turner to I am trying out the egg carton method. The wait begins.......

Here is the box as I received it from the Post Office. Except that the label and tape are torn because we opened it. PERFECT!

The box opened. I love the bubble wrap casket thing.

The carton removed and opened to reveal the cotton wrapping the eggs.

Here are the eggs sitting in their "Easter Basket" as my son called it.

Sorry for the long post but I just HAD to share. I will keep you updated weekly on progress. Will add candling pics and anything else that happens.
Well your welcome. I just couldn't contain it any more!! HAD to post cause I am soo happy and appreciative for the wonderful shipping material. I would have never imagined what all it could take to ship eggs. Of course they did travel from TX to TN. So I could imagine what they had to endure on their trek. Even before their 'official' life began. Now send good bator vibes my way!! I need em.
Well I candled today. If I counted correctly this is day 7. Anyway I have 4 with lil black dots. 6 of the "unknowns" have very porous shells and the remaining 2 appear clear. I am going to leave all of them in but for how much longer? Til day 10? Day 14? The whole hatch? When do I give up and toss them?
I am 15 days into my first ever hatch. I removed 2 that I thought were unfertile on day 13. being squemish, I put them in the freezer for a day, thawed them out then cracked open. did not want to find anything alive if I was wrong. they were unfertile:)
Thanks everyone I can use all the good vibes I can get!! Yes I can't say enough how impressed I am with the packing. COME ON CHICKIES!!!!!!
It is with a saddened heart that I must say that I think all of my chicks quit on me. This is day 11 and I opened 4 of the eggs and there was only one that had what looked like an eyeball formed and the others hadn't even thought about starting. Well I left 8 that MAY be alive. When I candled them most of the interior of the egg was so dark that I couldn't make out any embryos. I can no longer see any veins but there is still an air cell. But it too is small. I am going to leave them until hatching date but I'm not so sure they will hatch.
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