My First Sick Chicken: Does It Sound Like She'll Make It?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Dec 27, 2013
USDA Zone 7
Lulu, my 7 or 8 month old Splash Marans pullet seemed to stop growing at all or developing a few weeks ago. And then I noticed 3-4 days ago that she was very listless and quiet. Now she has lost weight and clearly has some kind of infection in both eyes. They're covered with a film of bubbly, very white pus. She's stopped eating too :-( No coughing or sneezing or wheezing. She just sits quietky and looks miserable. I've obviously now separated her from my other hens, and she has a cozy indoor crate. While I am 100% willing to take her to the vet if the odds are that she can be helped/saved, but I don't yet know enough about chicken health to decide whether this sounds super bad or more like something that a shot of chicken penicillin can clear up. Obviously, nobody can tell me for sure, but how bad does this sound to you guys? Thanks for any input.
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Thank you so much for the info and link. I'll be contacting the state vet right away tomorrow. Poor Lulu :-(

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