My First "Unintentional" Hatch

Is she a bantam? I have a SLW hen but she doesn't have a tail like that!

Well, you are right! She isn't a bantam, but neither is she a SLW! She is actually a Silver Spangled Hamburg! I just assumed she was a SLW because of her coloring, and the hatchery doesn't tell you what you are going to get. I did a bit of research and she looks exactly like the Hamburg pictures on this site! So, I have been educated!
Update: Two of the four chicks have made it to "adolescence". They are on their own with the flock, and the mother hen is sitting on another nest in the front yard! Should have an early September hatch, if my calculations are correct.

I'll have to post some pictures of the older chicks. They are polish/leghorn crosses, so they are white AND they are crested! I'd like some opinions on what you think they are - pullets or cockerels. I'm thinking pullets, but I could be wrong!

Pictures later today.

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