my flock.. thus far


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 14, 2014
High Point, MO
So im new to chickens. I have 4 years experience on commercial turkey farms and im surprised how much I like chickens (I hate turkeys). When I decided to get into them all I thought was meat and eggs. And now I have 35 chicks/young chickens. I am going to post pics but bear with me this site and my phone don't get along. Thus far I have a straight run of old english game (I think?)(15 birds), 2 RIR (I want more rir, any breeders in Missouri contact me), 3 fry pan chicks (males according to the lady at the feed store), 3 production reds, 3 cornish x, and today I got
5 ameraucanans (they didnt have any RIR). I'd like any and all input. I want to breed one breed in a seperate coop, I intend to do it with RIR but am considering the americanos instead. Im going to have a split coop with 2 flocks. Any advice on which breed to go with?
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I'm no chicken expert, but I do believe most chickens get along just fine. I heard ameracanas have no tail, so to speak, with ear muffs. That's the best I can do for you, sorry.
If they grow up together they should be able to maintain flock dynamics with little problem so long as they have plenty of space and are on a good diet. As to your question about your americauana (can't spell it either) being pure bred- you have a better chance of getting a pure bred if you buy from a private breeder.

Good luck with them!
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Thats the other issue, my game chickens are much older than the rest and I intend to have my cornish cross and production reds with them so I may have trouble there
You'll have to watch the game fowl as they are famous for cannibalism if kept in small places.

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