My foster DD's been granted a wish from Make-a-Wish...I'm clueless...

Whatever she picks for her wish, I hope it is great and you all have a good time.

The ultimate wish to be granted, which can never be done nor guaranteed, is a wish for good health. I guess Disneyworld must be the next best thing
Like everyone else said, good for you for doing that (even if it does feel natural... that probably just means you're doing a really good job). Disneyworld does sound fun (I've never been). Another thought if she is quite girly is to go to a fashion show in New York or something? And get a makeover, go see the Lion King on Broadway, and go on an expensive shopping spree... with Tim Gunn? Does she watch Project Runway? Get someone to design something for her? Anything like that? If all else fails, I'm sure Disneyworld would be amazing for her and the rest of your (her) family.
Beautiful little girl(s). One thing to consider about Disneyland: Is she familiar with Disney characters and stories? If she's that sheltered, she might not be. In which case, Disney might not be the be-all and end-all for her.

I do have to say that there's something wonderful (and not just sad) about a kid who isn't spoiled or jaded. I do realize that this precious child probably has unfortunate reasons for not knowing how to "dream big," but there's still something very genuine and worthwhile in simplicity.

I'm sure she'll be happy no matter what she chooses.
I do have to say that there's something wonderful (and not just sad) about a kid who isn't spoiled or jaded. I do realize that this precious child probably has unfortunate reasons for not knowing how to "dream big," but there's still something very genuine and worthwhile in simplicity.

I completely agree. We had a babysitter for about 4 years who grew up without much of anything. Her mom worked two jobs, both of the "waitress/cashier" variety, and her dad did farm labor. Neither was college educated. They raised 3 kids in what was basically a trailer. All 3 were extremely popular at a school that is very middle class, and all 3 went on to college. One is getting her master's degree in mechanical engineering. When she used to describe her childhood to me, she would talk about looking for fish/creatures in the creek out back, playing with relatives, etc. As a senior in high school, she visited Disneyland for the first time. That blew me away, because we are only a 5 hour drive from Disneyland. No one else in her family had ever been. I have always told my husband, "I want our kids to be JUST like her." In comparison, we have relatives whose kids have always had only the best - as in private schools as expensive as colleges, constant vacations to foreign countries, cruises, the best clothes, dinners out every night of the week, private drivers, etc. I love them deeply, and I am incredibly proud of their accomplishments - one is due to gradaute from Yale, is fluent in Chinese, and has his pick of jobs in international finance. Nevertheless, if I suddenly died and had to pick a life plan for my kids, I'd want them to have my former babysitter's upbringing over the prestige & pressure that will forever mark my nephew's life.

I had a friend who had cancer when we were growing up. She did not get a wish from the Make a Wish foundation, but when her parents took her on vacation to Disney during a break in her treatment schedule, they contacted some people at the Disney park, and Michelle was treated to the All-Star treatment. She spent the night in Cinderella's castle, she met all of the Disney Princesses at a very special dinner(there were not as many when we were young), she was able to ride in the main street parade as a guest of honor. I think they even had a special Michelle day for her at the park. Disney really went all out to make it extra special for her, and I am sure that Make a Wish could do the same for your baby.
God bless you all, and I hope whatever the wish, it is the most wonderful experience that it can be! You are in my prayers.

The ultimate wish to be granted, which can never be done nor guaranteed, is a wish for good health

Amen, Royicus, Amen!

I didn't realize that they did so much research so my EXBIL may wind up SOL!!! insert evil laugh here...​
I saw this video on youtube this morning, of this little girl getting a Disney princess makeover at the Bippity Boppity Boutique. They did her hair and makeup, she got a pretty princess dress and a tiara. Then she got to have lunch with the princesses, and even got to dance with prince charming. It seemed like a very magical thing, something a little girl might remember forever. I know I sure would have loved that!
I'm at work so I can't post the link to the video, but the channel is SevenAwesomeKids, and the video is called Dress Up. there are three different kids in the video, the last one is the princess one.
I would say Disneyland over Disneyworld. Disneyworld seemed so big to me and I was an adult. Disneyworld seemes more difficult to get around. And she still may be tired and need somthing a little smaller. I also have another suggestion. I have no idea when you get to do this but I would never go to disneyland between the months of June-Aug, There are so many people and you will be standing in line forever, When we go it is Jan-early May. The lines are so much better and not so packed. This is just my opinion. Thank you so much for taking such wonderful care of this girl, and opening your heart and home.
If it's a Make A Wish, that little girl won't be standing in any lines. She will be escorted to the front of which ever rides she picks out. Disneyland imo is to small compared to say Walt Disneyworld and Epcot Center. If she got tired in the least they would get her a wheel chair or little cart to take her from place to place. That would be awesome to be in the parade I think that in itself would make a memory that would last a lifetime!

Southernbelle I hope everything works out for you and Faith! Remember if shes not excited about Disney there are many other things you could do. Travel to a foreign country even for a child can make memories like no other. I find natural sights much more impressive than man made ones. It all matters on what your little girl likes or wants. Have her watch the Travel Channel, Discovery, Animal Planet etc and see if anything pips her interest.... You could pick safaris in Africa (seeing animals that will be extinct in nature soon), see the Great Barrier Reef (Which just sadly might disappear by the time she is an Adult)


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