My friend wants a pet duck

First of all, has she researched them? If she hasn’t then she’s not ready. When I say research, I mean tons of research. Not just a quick couple of google searches.
They are extremely messy and their water will need cleaning everyday. They need water deep enough to dip their whole faces in it. They need a large coop and space to run and require a lot of cleaning. They’re probably the most messy animal I’ve ever owned.

What will she keep the ducks in? Will she clean the mess everyday? Does she have enough room? Does she have time to spend with them? Does she have the money to care for them?

There’s a lot more than ducks than just convincing someone to get them.
My ducks are NOT messy much it depends how nicely you care for them and the breed you have. My Cayugas are not really messy and my drake is the loudest. Although I agree what you said about research I don't want her to hand her ducks to me if she gives up taking care of them I already have plenty of ducks. She plans on keeping them outside though. I'll show her what you wrote later.
Once she's done research and knows what all goes into it, perhaps just look on FB and see if anyone has extra males then. Males are far quieter than females
My drake (Cayuga) whenever I get out I can hear him almost immediately start quacking my females are quieter than him. I guess he's like this because he knows that I almost always bring food with me.
My ducks are NOT messy much it depends how nicely you care for them and the breed you have. My Cayugas are not really messy and my drake is the loudest. Although I agree what you said about research I don't want her to hand her ducks to me if she gives up taking care of them I already have plenty of ducks. She plans on keeping them outside though. I'll show her what you wrote later.
Outside without a coop? Poultry have many predators.
does she know ducks grow up in 2 months, make messes everywhere, can’t be potty trained, need swimming water, need duck food NOT chicken feed, etc?
I'll need to ask her but I think she already knows that they can't be potty trained
Outside without a coop? Poultry have many predators.
Obviously not lol. I tried to give her some coop ideas that were easy
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