My gal laid a HUGE egg today!

Barry Natchitoches

11 Years
Sep 4, 2008
After losses due to predators, I have only four hens left: 3 Rhode Island Reds and 1 Buff Orpington.

I'm not sure which gal did it, but today I went to their favorite nest and I found four eggs -- and one was HUGE!

That one egg was 3 and 1/4 ounces!

My wife is going to fix it for my breakfast tomorrow morning. It has to be at least a double yoker, we figure...
Congratulations on the big egg. Better do something to protect those last 4 girls or you will have to buy store bought eggs soon.
Listen for the hen walking around saying OUCH, OUCH, OUCH, and that will be the hen that laid the big egg, lol:lol:
Congrat on the huge egg. One of my RI laid a 4oz. 110 grams egg a few weeks ago. I took pictures of it and am trying to post to the forum. when i figure it out it was as big as my cell phone . It was a double yoke it took up most of a 9inch frying pan. will try to post pictures when i get it figured out.

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