My girl went in for a spay this morning...


Sep 17, 2019
Seattle, WA
I've been a mess for the last week. Winnie is our special gal and she's had egg laying issues her whole 1 year of egg laying life. Previously when she was eggbound, the vet could help with the egg aspiration and extraction. However, this last egg that was found stuck about 3 weeks ago was the one that would force us to make a very difficult decision: spay or euthanize. We scheduled the spay a week ago and this past week I've spent countless hours wondering if we're making the right decision and making sure she stays as healthy as possible. She's been in a weakened state but was in great spirits, ate and drank well, and still tried to do chicken stuff with her best friend, Olive.

I just talked with the vet and was informed that she is coming out of anesthesia well, the surgery went well with no unexpected complications, and she's expected to make a full recovery as long as the next 24 hours go well for her while they keep an eye on her overnight. She even went straight for her worms when she was waking up! I just wanted to share my relief with you guys! I'm so hoping that recovery goes well for her and we can have our happy, healthy Winnie back within a month or so.

Thank you for posting about your treasured hen. Glad that you could get surgery for her to stop her from laying. Anesthesia seems to be very dangerous during surgery for birds and chickens, and so I am glad that she has made it out of surgery okay. Not many have vets who would do this type of procedure, but glad that it was something you could do and afford. Please keep us updated on her recovery. Here is another successful spay thread from 2 years ago:
Awwwwww, I am so happy to hear it went well! I hope she never has any more egg problems!

Oh my gosh, me too! This should take care of her issues - they took everything but the ovary and I'm going to do everything I can to help her heal. I'll update here as needed on her progress. Thank you for the kind words!
Tough choice. :hugs

So glad you have that option! Hope you will share your out come and cost.

Hope she gets strong! :fl

Thank you! It was so tough. Even this morning dropping her off I wasn't sure if I was doing the right thing. We are so lucky to have an experienced bird vet so close by. Regarding price, it will be costly. We were quoted a high and a low but will find out at pickup tomorrow, after her 24 hour stay, how much it will officially be. We made the decision based on the high ($1000) but are of course hoping it's much lower than that since it was a smooth surgery.
Thank you for posting about your treasured hen. Glad that you could get surgery for her to stop her from laying. Anesthesia seems to be very dangerous during surgery for birds and chickens, and so I am glad that she has made it out of surgery okay. Not many have vets who would do this type of procedure, but glad that it was something you could do and afford. Please keep us updated on her recovery. Here is another successful spay thread from 2 years ago:

I actually joined this site just to comment on that thread last week! I was such a wreck last Wednesday and found that thread online. It helped a lot in our decision. Like I mentioned above, we are so lucky to have an experienced bird vet in our area. And I was shocked to hear that they do this about once a month. I'll make sure to update on her progress here in the next few days and weeks.

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