My goose bit my neighbor

Sounds more like something a male would do, it is getting close to breeding season........

I would just make sure to contain them so there are no more problems.
I agree with the male part...I think She might be a HE. They will be kept in enclosures for awhile. The enclosure for summer is very large, so that doesn't worry me. It is the winter one that will need to be improved. I will have to see it this bird tries to mate with the other one.
Geese usually have a good sense of Teritory and can be taught where they can and cannot go. I think (JMO) that geese are about as smart as most small dogs but can be very stuborn.
I wanted to keep my geese away from the garage, driveway, front porch And sidewalk area for poop reasons yelling at them would work but they often 'forgot'' so I strung a simple fence of two strands of string one about six inches off the ground and the other about 10 inches up and used wire coat hangers for posts. Would this keep out a goose? yes for about 10 seconds. The purpose was not to confine but to remind them, step across that line and be prepared to face the wrath of goosedragon with his roaring and his mighty swift herding stick. It took Three weekends before the ideal really sank in but by the end of the third weekend I had cleaned up all the poop and decided not to confine them to the back yard where there was a real wire fence. Monday after being gone all day I came home to a poop free area! This only caused one problem when the parents took their goslings for a walk and one of the little untrained rascals snuck under the string and would not come when mama and papa called. Frankly I was astounded that my training out weighted the instinct for mama and papa to rescue their baby. I herded him back under the string and apparently the parents must have trained him. The next year I got ducks who I couldn't train and I had to put up a real fence.
I have had the same thoughts about my geese...they come when I call them and generally want to be near me. I can see the training fence idea working. We have horse fencing surrounding our back acreage. It would be "easY' to put up some chicken wire type fencing to keep them in the back yard. Might keep the chickens out of the front landscaping too! we just have one gap between the garage and the house that might be hard to maybe the string training idea will work? I am willing to give it a go. Good advice!
This is very funny to me to read! I put up a fence in my nightgown (blushing) when were we lived 20 years ago. I had 3 geese and I fenced my yard with string. My DH said I was crazy and it would never work! The geese and I proved him wrong worked just like you said Goosedragon. The only fence you can put up while in nightclothes!
Terri O in WI
When I let my geese free range they would chase my husband. A couple came after me once and I spread my arms and chased them around the yard. They left me alone, but still went after my husband until he chased them with a broom.
They now live in the old hog pen enclosure. they have a couple of old hog feeders we fill with ground barley and mixed in some commercial feed. Also have an old "A" frame house they can get into filled with straw.
my nieghbours rarely visit because of my geese and they're not even nasty like i had two toulouse girls that where perfectly well behaved but as p&p said (here too) is coming up for breeding season and my big gander is starting to pull rank around every human or horse or dog that walks thru and he has 8 girls to keep safe and happy!
My grandmas geese always used to chase us kids when we would go outside with the aunts and uncles to do chores. You learn to dash for either A: the front door or B: the milk house, FAST.

I would, as other have recommended, make some sort of pen.
If you have animals it is your responsibility to keep them in your yard. Even though the goose was doing what comes naturally, if it had been a child it would have been even worse. It is your job to protect both your neighbors and your geese from each other. Put up a fence. That way the geese can roam and your neighbor can enjoy them from a distance. : ) If I let my emu run loose and they went to stomp someones dog... it would be my fault.

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