My goose egg was chirping but has now stopped


6 Years
May 10, 2013
My daughter has always hatched chicken eggs but this time it is a goose egg. The nest was on our property but got destroyed except this one egg, we decided to put it in the incubator and hope for the best, much to our surprise this morning while my daughter was misting the egg it was chirping loud. That was 7 am I have kept an eye on it as I cleaned up around the house it continued to chirp and move around..... Now it has stopped all together, no chirp and no moving. I know I shouldn't take it out but wanted to make sure it was still alive, I did hear a bit of pecking at the shell but very softly. I really hope it makes it. Does anyone have any suggestions on why it has stopped chirping for the last 3 hrs or so ? Is it just resting ? Is it in distress ? Is there anything I can do to help ? Any suggestions would be much appreciated :)
Greetings from Kansas, elisha1981, and
! Great to have you here! I don't have any advice but wish you well!

Gosling hatches could take 2-3 days from internal pip (when you can hear it cheeping and tapping), to completing the hatch. So if it goes quiet now and then, don't worry. It's just resting a bit :)
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Ok so it has almost hatched but seems to be stuck for the last 6 hrs in the same place, do I help it or should I just leave it ?
How far along is it? Did it start zipping yet? From external pip to zipping can take up to 24 hours, after which the zipping phase can take another 8 hours. So even if it seems the gosling is stuck it may be doing just fine, so it is better wait before helping and make sure it really cannot progress.
We did not help it and it was out today but now can not hold his head up or walk :( we have tried water and feeding it but it won't take it. He is moving lots and trying to get up but can't ..... He is chirping too. Hopefully a good nights rest will help him or her
Stay calm - it is exhausting for them to hatch - I'm assuming geese are like chicks - where they can go 3 days without eating or drinking because they absorb nutrients from the yolk sac. Is the baby fully dried up? Give him at least several hours to recover before getting stressed. Meanwhile do you have any idea what newborn geese eat? You could post on the section for "Other backyard poultry" includes ducks, geese, etc. etc. and get their advice, tell them it's from a wild goose and not domestic .

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