My Hatching Journey: the Adventures of a Complete Newbie


hey I know what square groupers are
can't spell it right but I know what it is T sticks too.
Enabler backups... Sounds scary... Do they strap you in a chair and show a full screen slideshow of bantam EE's? :oops:

Just found out about those recently... And now I know what the first breed I try shipped will be once I get the kinks outa my incubating technique. :drool

TJChickens has the best bantam EE's... ;)

Ravyn got those kinda

I got bantam Araucanas, lol... :D
little chicken lay little blue eggs sounds about right .


Noo.. I can't hear you... I am waiting for hatch rates to improve and the BantiBator to be finished before attempting shipped eggs.. La la la laa! :oops:

(Thanks though... I'll check her out... But I'm only window shopping as of now! Yeah, that's it!) :D ;)

Hers are lots of pretty blues and splashes... sells on eBay too... seller name is something like greenglass????

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