My hen died today, can I bury her?


8 Years
Jun 12, 2015
I had a hen who just passed away she was my first pet and I loved her so much. I think she had Marek's disease she had all the symptoms. I was wondering if it would be okay to bury her in my backyard? I just can't imagine just throwing her in the trash or something.
If you would like to confirm that she had Mareks, then you can refrigerate the body, and send or take it to the state vet or poultry lab for a necropsy. Here is a link that has info for each state in the US:
Burying her deeply where a dog couldn't dig up remains would be fine. I usually place large rocks or bricks over the hole until some time passes. Sorry for your loss.
It's probably okay as long as you dig the hole deep enough (2-3 feet should be fine. The hole should be in a location that doesn't get as much foot traffic.

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