My hen is possesed!

I just laughed until I cried THANKS for the visual and Miss Prissy's comment made it so much better. Sorry I don't have a solution, but you made my day if that helps
story of my life "My *insert animal here* is possessed" I can take all of these evil animals possessed by the devil in my life...BTW never give my button quail Minime a twig as he will poke my eye out like he did last month sometime!
You're right; the devil made her do it. I wouldn't waste any time; call a priest immediately. You've no idea of what can happen to you with a demon-possessed chicken in your midst. I had a friend who... Never mind, I don't want you to worry; just call a priest NOW before it's too late.
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In the name of Jesus come out of that chicken..!
You guys are so funny making the OP all nervous!

Seriously what you have there is commonly called a "Bulb vent chicken" They can look like any breed, what they do is, steal and egg in the manner you described, and overnight she will insert her own DNA into that egg and lay it in the morning. Bulb vents never produce their own eggs, they go around stealing them.
If you hatch the egg, you'll get another "Bulb vent" that will LOOK like the chicken which originally laid the egg, and hence the breed continues................ in all manner of breeds.
For real?!?! HOW< HOW HOW??

How does the hen get her own DNA in the already formed egg?

I am certain that the rest of you who know chickens are all laughing at me behind my back!

This really happens?!

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