My hen is sick?:0


5 Years
Apr 16, 2014
There is something wrong with my hen honey, she stopped Laying About a year ago and last week I noticed that she is acting strange!:( she is laying in her own poo quite a lot and that makes her back side very very messy! We just thought that if we changed the hay she'd be grand... But no, she started walking strangely with her feet pointed in and I moved her and she is very heavy aswel, she is sitting strangely and I just feel sorry for her bacause I don't know what's wrong!:'(
Hi and welcome to BYC from northern Michigan

For best responses, post your question in the Emergencies section of the Forum

Good luck!

Welcome to BYC!

I am very sorry about your hen. I would follow the link that 1MuttsFan has provided. I hope someone there can help you.

I hope your hen makes a full recovery.
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Sorry bout your hen, X3 on try posting in the Emergencies section about your girl.
Thanks guys:') appreciate it! She's too old for laying so I doubt there's an egg stuck:(

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