My Hen is Walking Backwards

I have this very description in my girl a Dorking. Did you find a cure?
I know that move, but this one does not resemble it in any way.  The chicken stares at the ground and moves rapidly backwards for maybe 20 steps, all the while keeping her head low to the ground....almost like those pics you see of a hen being hypnotized by a line drawn on the ground.  Then she stands upright and walks away.  Freaky as all get out....  /img/smilies/tongue.png

That is what my girl does exactly, what could cause this.?
I have a 3 year old RIR that began walking backwards a couple of weeks ago. She is at the end of a heavy molt during which she experienced an impacted crop, weight loss, increased thirst, and loose droppings. She has these same symptoms every fall when she molts, along with an exaggerated gait occasionally throughout the day, where she lifts her feet really high as she walks. This year after taking several exaggerated steps forward, she will put her head down and walk backwards for 8-10 steps. Most of the time she walks and runs about normally, but several times each day, mostly in the morning, she walks in this bizarre manner. I switched my flock from layer to grower food several weeks ago when they started molting, and add poultry Nutri-Drench to their water a couple of times a week while they are molting. She is re-growing her feathers nicely and putting on weight and is really looking much better, but the backward walking is scary to watch. I don't know about a vitamin deficiency. Generally I think my girls eat well, but I have no other ideas what might cause this. It's comforting, though, to know I'm not the only one to see this bizarre behavior. I wish I had some advice for you!

Did you ever find out about this behavior ?
Mine are still doing it and I've been supplying extra vitamins. Maybe since it has been so cold they have congestion or problem with their ears. I haven't been able to look into their ears, not sure how to do that with one person and holding a light. They are eating and seem fine other than trying to back away from some unknown phantom.
Mine are still doing it and I've been supplying extra vitamins. Maybe since it has been so cold they have congestion or problem with their ears. I haven't been able to look into their ears, not sure how to do that with one person and holding a light. They are eating and seem fine other than trying to back away from some unknown phantom.

Hi, okay, you know I don't want to worry about her. But if yours are still alive and they have not declined then it is just an unknown. I have given the extra vitamins, good food, etc. She is still doing it.
Sure do like your avatar !
Mine are still doing it and I've been supplying extra vitamins. Maybe since it has been so cold they have congestion or problem with their ears. I haven't been able to look into their ears, not sure how to do that with one person and holding a light. They are eating and seem fine other than trying to back away from some unknown phantom.

Hi, okay, you know I don't want to worry about her. But if yours are still alive and they have not declined then it is just an unknown. I have given the extra vitamins, good food, etc. She is still doing it.
Sure do like your avatar !

Thanx! Great message in the picture.
Hi one of our hens is laying on fertilized eggs and has started doing the same as yours. The only thing I can thin,k is we were advised to put her on just a corn diet while she lay on the eggs. So may be the comment regard diet is correct, as she never did this before. Lets hope they all feel back to normal soon.
Oh, thanks to all Gods this forum exists! I wouldn't know what to do and how to cure my chikens if were not for you... Here in my city the vets don't accept chickens..

I have one between my small flock, that began to walk like this last week. But, besides this, she looks normal, she is laying eggs almost everyday, she is eating, doing all chickens stuff. But, many times a day, she acts like loosing her balance and then walk backwards.

I was afraid it could be the Newcastle disease, but, I think if was this, she probably would be worst by now, and the rest of flock also would had be infected. Isn't right?

Now I am worried because I'm going to spend a week traveling, and I have no one who is capable to look after my ill chicken in the meantime.

I have read on this post that it can be caused by deficiency of vitamin. So, I will put a vitamin supplement in one of their drinker and magnesium chloride at another (which I read it s good for their health)

Well, please share any other ideas to cure this.

Thank you!
In this summer heat, I would not give them magnesium chloride. Just give them the vitamins in one waterer, and plain water in the other. HOWEVER, vitamin water needs to be changed daily. It goes rancid very quickly. You can get a bottle of Poultry (or sheep) nutri-drench, and give her a few drops from the dropper. Treat he for several days before you go and then again when you get back. There are dosing instructions on the Poultry product.
Thank you! I will stop the magnesium chloride and change the vitamined water daily.

Actually, I just discovered she probably has typhus. I was at the PET shop minutes ago and the seller told me that many customers have reported the same picture of unbalance and walk back., and also that here at my city the Typhus has spread.

Well, now I shall give her a dose of a vaccina (this one:, so they say. I do not really like that kind of treatment with antibiotics and such, but I do not see another way to combat this.

From what I researched, the disease attacks the liver of chicken. Is there anything I can take to help the recovery of the liver, in a more natural way?

Thank you so much!

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