my hens are 8 months old and aren't laying, what gives?

I guess I'm lucky then.I have one NH and 5 marans pullets.They hatched out May 3rd.The Nh stated laying 7 wks ago and the Marans' first egg was a month ago and they are all laying.I added 2 hours of extra morning light about a month ago.
My ee's are 16 mos. and are not laying well but recently molted as did my 5 GLWs and one BO.The EE's are the only ones I have that are not laying well at this time.
BTW they are on layer crumbles.
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This line caught my attention... is there a reason why you're feeding them two or three times a day? Are you restricting their food amount? It's generally easier to put a large amount of chicken feed out and then just refill when it's getting close to empty. That way the chickens have access to food at all time and aren't waiting for their next meal. They won't overeat - they fill up as needed, and need lots of protein to create eggs. So perhaps more food will help? (no clue, really, just an idea in case it works!)

And I agree with others that supplemental light can help. Some people don't like the idea, but it works at my house.
I actually consider it a good thing that it takes a hen longer to lay her first egg. Chickens will only lay so many eggs, if they are late layers their eggs tend to be larger for the laying life of that chicken. I don't see a problem with feeding them 2-3 times a day and giving treats, plus they are free ranging. Mine are regular layers, they slowed when the temperature dropped, but are back to almost normal. i do not keep feed available for them 24/7. They are fed their feed in the morning and in the evening. Depending on the season they are provided availabe treats. This time of year they usually have a whole pumkin avaialable. They also roam around their run.
That article is, in my daintily humble opinion, not useful at all.

According to that article, chickens are pretty useless within two years and should start laying at 18 to 20 weeks. That goes against virtually every single thing I have ever read about chickens on here and in books. CERTAIN breeds lay early, most start around 25-26 weeks in reality. I have also read NUMEROUS threads from experienced chickenkeeprs on here that have had their hens laying eggs regularly for years and years, not 18 months.

Also according to that article, if that info is accurate, when the days shorten, EVERYBODY'S birds should slow down... not true in every part of the country, not true with all breeds, etc.

My chickens have met all the criteria required in the article and still no eggs. I think there is something amiss in Mother Nature because there are SO many chickens that were hatched this spring.... an inordinate number of them... that are not producing eggs here as we near the end of the year! And it's not just my part of the country. All you have to do is read the BYC threads to know that there are lots of us doing all the 'RIGHT' things & still not getting any eggs. It's like there's a worldwide chicken egg-laying strike. LOL.
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