my hens are bowing

funny story about them doing that, i let them free range last night and they were getting to close to the flower bed (we all know what happens when a chicken finds a flower bed!) so i ran and chased them back closer to the coop. the one ran the other way closer to the flowers but i chased the other two out. I went back and chased the other one, and she was running as fast as she could for about 100 feet then she just stopped and squated. I guess she thought i was a rooster tring to get a hold of her
stupid chicken
Oh My!!! I was going to ask this question. Tonight, I went to fetch a chicken from the neighbors yard, and it was the one chicken who never liked me to touch her or pick her up. And she sorta flattened herself to the ground, and her wings were partially out. I was thinking she was scared . I wasn't even considering that she was thinking THAT!!! (and she happens to be a red sex link also, somewhere around 17 weeks old).
And here I was thinking she was suddenly scared of me.. Sheesh, Im the wrong species and the wrong sex.

But maybe we'll get eggs soon? Oh Boy I can't wait!!!!
My girls are only now just starting to squat willingly for the rooster, and I've been getting eggs from some of them for a couple weeks. Not to say all of them are yet thrilled or seeking his attentions, but for those that are it sure beats watching him ambush them, swing them around by their hackle feathers while trying to get a foothold on their back; all the while the hen screaming and fighting. He still has to chase the wellsummers all over kingdom come before he catches them. Nothing like a little exercise.
I read where when they squat , its approaching time for them to start laying . TRUE OR FALSE ?

Also , I was told that if they start mating with the roosters that will soon start production of eggs , TRUE OR FALSE ?

I have 3 of my RIR's that are about 4 months old , they starting to show red faces and combs getting larger and begining to get a bit darker , SIGN ?

The best start laying soon . Told DH I will give them another month to start laying , if not they will make a hellava GUMBO when weather starts to cool off . LOL
I think those are indicators that the hens are maturing toward point of lay, but not conclusive. I have had several hens with very red combs/waddles for several weeks but they aren't yet laying. My roo has been snagging the girls for mating for almost a month, yet the laying only started 2 weeks ago, and that's only 4/14 thus far. From what I've noticed, each chicken is unique, there may be indicators that time is nearing, but they are not hard & fast rules that signify POL, just that it is coming soon.

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