My hens have a visitor, what it is? UPDATE #2

Yeah, I decided to take him. He hung right outside of the chicken run for two hours plus and it was starting to get dark out so I decided to go ahead and capture it. Poor thing wanted to join my hens from the look of it.

I have it temporarily set up in the old brooder with food and water, and plan to keep it in there for quarantine purposes. After that, I'll have to look into whether it can share the run with the chickens or not.
Thats a cool story. I had a peahen do the same thing. Just appeared out of nowhere.
I can't tell you how weird it was. I sit out there frequently so I get to see all kinds of wild birds flutter about and here's this thing pecking about in the yard, and then looks over to us and makes a b-line right to the run. The alpha hen was all baaaaAAAAAWK but shut up after the first hour.

This morning it was doing fine. Very quiet bird. Gave it a few extra mealworms since it seems to like it a lot.
That is a beautiful bird.

This reminds me of an incident I had this spring. I let my old ladies out for free-ranging and then had to leave briefly. I don't like to leave the birds unattended while they are out, but didn't have a choice. So I bolted out, ran my errands, and got back to my house. The first thing I see as I am coming down the driveway are my chickens, so I do a quick head count. "1...2...3...4...5...6...Wait...What?...6? I only have 5 hens!" I counted the wild ruffed grouse who was hanging around with the flock. She hung around for most of the spring and early summer. She had the cutest little tiny baby. Here's a picture of the baby when it was newly hatched. So sweet.

I don't know which Portland you live in, but I live in the Portland, Oregon suburbs, and I know that Coastal, and I think Wilco both have sold Chukkars in the spring. I've not seen an adult before, but that was nice of you to take the bird in.
Dora'smom :

I don't know which Portland you live in, but I live in the Portland, Oregon suburbs, and I know that Coastal, and I think Wilco both have sold Chukkars in the spring. I've not seen an adult before, but that was nice of you to take the bird in.

Hello fellow Oregonian! Yes it's the western variety of Portland - I suppose i should have mentioned that in the post. Really sweet bird, but I'm going to have to make adjustments to my set up since I'm not ready for anything flightier than chickens.​
The Chukar escaped! Sort of.

I went to move it to a temp cage and made it through the gap in the lid. Arrrrgh!

It proceeded to sing on top of a tree until it flew down and started hanging out again. It took a bit more effort this time but he's back in captivity, with extra mealworms.

Now to modify the old brooder into a better suited Chukar pen!

Today I release the Chukar from quarantine to general population consisting of 3 chickens. I consider it to be in voluntary confinement as the run is only partially covered on top for now, and should it decide it wants out, it has that option.

I was a bit nervous letting it go and not sure how aggressively the chickens would react but it went better than expected. It flew out of my lap to the ramp, and hopped down to immediately dust bath. I'm sure it was quite a relief to get off of that metal grating of a floor in quarantine. The quarantine unit is perfect for a broody-buster after a few modifications. The Chukar looked SO pleased! It wasn't skiddish around the chickens at all, even while alpha was braaaawking in disapproval. I let each chicken brief contact as they wanted to preserve their flock status but the chukar remained unimpressed.

The girls retired early to the coop and the chukar made several attempts up the ramp, each time getting closer and closer but in the end it never came in probably from all the stink eye it was catching from the girls. I made a small shelter with some scrap plywood in the mean time and will see if it's still around tomorrow am and pm after work.

Now for some pics



My three girls on alert


My bottom status will not be taken away from me!


The dog wants to play using teeth...


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