My Hens tail is down, and she is not eating/drinking

Does she have any swelling around her face?

Does she have bubbles in her eyes?

Look into her mouth. Do you see any sticky, gummy stuff?

If she has none of those, she probably doesn't have a respiratory infection.

Does she have a thin fluid dripping from her vent?

Do you feel any hardness just below her vent that feels like an egg?

I suggest you give her a calcium tablet, whole, each day until this resolves. She may have a soft egg stuck inside. Keep her on warm, moist heat. Soaks are stressful, so a damp towel with a heating pad under it is what I suggest.

Offer her plenty of cool water. Advil isn't good to give chickens. Chewable aspirin 81 grain is what you give chickens for pain, but hold off on that for now.

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