My homemade noodle drying

OK, how sticky is this suppposed to be? Cause it was WAY sticky. And when I hung them on the hangers they broke and fell off. And how long do they take to dry?

I did it, but seriously need some input girls!
I too would like to know how long it takes to DRY the noodles...

I have A LOT of pets indoors... I would need to clean & remove everyone from the rooms for the duration of the drying period..

I MIGHT be able to do small batches in the spare room aka.. "where no pet has gone before or ever will" but it's not as spacious.....
For me..when I make them early morning..hang them on the rack by the wood stove (very warm), they are ready by early afternoon..4hrs or so..a lot will depend on how humid and how thin they are.
Thank you.. I will plan on a full day with a heat lamp on.

Since all the heat lamps are running now to help keep us warm.. it's probably a great day to try hanging some pasta...

I think I'll try right away and use up the last of our spinach in a batch today.... wonder how to do that... maybe I'll just puree it with the it's practically smooth and work that way... how fun!
In the real estate office where I work, one of the agents who is a whiz and a genuinely good person that I am blessed to have met and worked with, brought his wife one day and she told me that her mom did the same thing. Kept the whites out and make angel food cake. Killing two eggs with one stone, maybe? Good idea. I always put half -n- half in mine, but they are as tender as a boiled owl, and I can't dry them right, so going to try this, as i want to start storing things a little bit. How long do they keep and how do you keep them?
that is a good idea..i just throw them on the back of a chair or use them right away!
homemade noodles are the only way to go i think.
As to how long they will keep..
..they never last long enough to find out!!
I've seen where people just add the spices to the eggs and flour as well...the spinach sounds like a good idea. I always store mine in the freezer in ziploc bags until I'm ready to use them. But I like to make a few months worth of noodles at a time too
Good Luck!! I will be trying pasta soon as well.. I was inspired long before this thread!! Just waiting for the extra funds for the KA attachments

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