Mildewy duck feathers and green stuff on skin


Jun 6, 2019
My 1.5 year old Duclair, Rosie, has had these discolored feathers for at about the last year. At first I thought they were just a change in the color, but her feathers are terrible - it's like mildew or mold. Some are tones of brown and some are green. She has not molted in all of this time. Her oil gland appears healthy and she swims every day and does a thorough job preening. A few days ago I noticed one of my ducks needling her with her beak between Rosie's shoulders, and it looked red so I investigated and the skin was raw and looked like some missing feathers maybe. So I sprayed with vetricyn and kept her out of reach of the other ducks for a couple days. Today I took a look at it and there's greenish stuff in that area. I am so mystified about her weird skin conditions! Please see pictures....though the feathers look worse in person - it was hard for me to extend her wing to get a photo. All of my other ducks have perfectly healthy feathers. She eats Mazuri waterfowl, fresh kale, meal worms, lives in a warm and dry coop, and free-ranges every day. I'm worried that this green stuff on her skin now may turn into something worse. Any advice is welcome.

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Thanks for asking - the green stuff on her neck is gone and the ducks are no longer pulling feathers there! Her main feathers are as mildewy as ever - where I live the winter is non-stop rain. I guess she's not going to molt this year :( . Everything else with her is just fine.

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