my husband left me

This is a scenario that happens all too often in marriages today. Your right about one thing, that they think their relationship somehow reflects what true love is all about. They are in for a rude awakening once they're together day in and day out-------they're living in a bubble right now. I wish your husband would wake up, dump the broad, and go to marriage counseling with you. It's easy to see someone as perfect when you don't live with them and their bad habits.

Real love isn't that "Ga-Ga Feeling" we all have when in a new relationship-------it's having mutual respect for each other, being able to forgive each other's shortcomings, point out the good things about each other, and really working through any problems together. Marriage is so hard these days, what with society basically saying, "Hey, if you're not happy any more, get divorced-----there's plenty of others out there." No one is perfect, and he'll find that out soon enough.

As for you, I would suggest moving on as soon as you can------not neccesarily getting into any relationship, but making yourself a stronger, more independent woman. Maybe you can get a room-mate or two to help with bills and the loneliness. I bet there are lots of single women who would just love to live out in the country with some chickens and have help with the cost of living-----plus the added advantage of not having to deal with a man.
Ive been reading this entire post, I send you much needed
, and ive been hurt before too, and I always remember this very true little saying, I read it somewhere, and its sooo helps! cuz its only a matter of time!!

"Girlfriends are great, till they start acting like wives"
There is better ahead for you. One day you'll thank him, even if just to yourself, that he did this and freed you to find something much better. Its out there.
My prayers are with you, that you find peace and true love. I hope all goes well and you able to finance the house in your name. May he find misery and meet it head on, oh he already has, he just doesn't see it yet

It's his loss, not yours. You deserve so much more than he can give you.
Hey sweetie, just hang in there. The one thing i liked about your husband is the fact that he was honest with you that he didnt feel he could change. Sleeping around is sorta a disease with some men. If the girl he has the affair with knew he was married, she is a creep in my book. So why did your husband tell you that he didnt think he could stop? either he is guilt ridden, or he was his cake and to be able to eat it too. You did the ONLY thing a woman can do in booting him with this admission. He will likely begin to miss you and want to restore your marriage at some point. You must stay strong in non acceptance of his infidelity. Instead of moving to the city and getting rid of your pets, why not put an ad in the paper for a roomate or 2 . if your income is real small get a smaller place. I will keep you in my prayers, I know how hard it is to go thru what you are now enduring, just know that it does get better with or without him. Donna

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