My husband passed away working our our coop on Saturday, June 12, 2010

What a beautiful coop he was making. I hope local BYCers are able to come together for you and finish it.
I'm sorry for the loss of your husband! How awful :Hug The coop he was building looks gorgeous, I hope you find some kind hearted folks to help you finish it.
Oh, I'm so sorry for your loss, I can not even imagine how heartbroken you must be. You have my deepest sympathy. We will be praying for you and your family in this devastatig time.
My chicken house was a pre-manufactured barn building, not a custom job, We framed 1/3 of it and put chicken wire up to make a seperate 'hatching/brooder room for the chicks. I am going to put hardware cloth over the window, because my dog killed a possum in the yard the night after something ate one of my guineas throat. When I put the hardware cloth over the windows I will fasten it with washers and screws. I'm not a builder by any means, but you will be able to find alot of good ideas to finish your beautiful house. Again, I'm so sad for you, Please be comforted by all the genuine sincere Best Wishes you are getting here on the chicken board.
God Bless you and Your Family,
Kim in Ky.
My friend, no words can fix your heart right now. But, I'll tell you that I will pray for your heart to find peace soon - although, it may take while. I hope you have family and friends close by to give you the support you REALLY need right now. Day by day is my theory at times like these. If you feel like working on the coop - do it. If you don't - don't worry about it. You'll get to it when you're ready. There's no right or wrong now. My chicks stayed in our work room for a few months in their giant brooder. You have time. Hang in there.

The folks at BYC have some wonderful suggestions and for you and I hope you'll find comfort in them.

I wish I could come help with a barn raising, but I have proven to be a terrible carpenter and my husband has actually banned me from using sharp knives and electric tools for my own good...

Prayers and hugs are being sent at this very second!!!!

P.S. I can see what an amazing vision he had for that building. When you're ready to finish it, you'll be pleased. I see white daisies or beautiful smelling gardenias planted out front.
Prayers and hugs- I am SO sorry you lost your husband. He must have loved you very, very much to build you a castle for a coop! It will be a most wonderful monument and reminder when it is done. PLEASE keep us posted on how you are doing and if you are getting help finishing the coop.
Peace, His most perfect peace, be on you,
Prayers and hugs
I am sooo sorry for your loss!

What a beautiful coop, i wish i was closer cause i would come over and help you! I wonder if some of our wonderful KY peeps could help? Maybe a fix my coop swap or something. I am sure once the word gets out , they will come!
Extending much sympathy and compassion for the shock and grief you must be experiencing right now, with fervent hopes that you can cope with the prayers and support from your family and friends.

That beautiful coop will be a fitting memorial to your husband's talents and hopefully will provide you with pleasant memories of the time you two shared together in designing and building it.

Please talk to your church, high school, and vocational school for assistance in finishing the coop. Your neighbors will pull together to help you out, I'm sure. Good luck.
I am so sorry. I have been (still in, three years out) your shoes, and I know what you are going through. Just know that it does get better over time, but you do have to give yourself that time. I know it would have made me feel better to finish what he started, so I hope you can accomplish that. And what a gorgeous coop! He must have been a remarkable man.
Do you have any technical schools in your area that teach contracting or carpentry? You may be able to find a group of students and teacher to use finishing your coop as part of education.
Best wishes in this difficult journy. PM me if you'd like to.
so very sorry for your loss

He was a great carpenter , very nice design in deed, I don't blame you for wanting to finish what he started ,your coop is his and your work, something you built together.

Again so sorry.

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