My incubator chicks won't leave me alone!

Yes chickens and most fowel (alot of animals) are imprinted at birth. The first large thing they see after hatching is mom. You are the source of food, protection, warmth, love and so on. You are MOMMY!!!!! Congrats. It will get better withage. As most children, they will become more independent in time.( Hopefully) lol
Good luck and God Bless!
This makes perfect sense....but, I'm wondering: does that mean my 2 day olds I got from a breeder will be less attached then the ones I hatched?
Try that with 15-3 month old chicks! It's totally my fault for spending a lot of time with them since they were 3 days old. I have to take baby steps when I go out to their area because I am so afraid of punting someone or stomping tiny toes(which has happened twice). Of course as much as I say, "everybody move, watch out, get outta the way"...I secretly love it.
My 16wk olds are the same way. I was doing some modifications to their huddle house a couple day ago, running the skil saw and they were all over me. I'm constantly having to move them out of the way. They're not afraid of anything as long as I'm the one doing it. A friend of mine came over to take 3 of them home for his coop and they scattered. Made me feel kinda good that they do indeed know me as as their friend.
I did not hatch mine, and they were a bit wild, at first, by my girls follow me around (and get under my feet) whenever they are "free ranging. Greedy little monsters. . . if I don't have treats, they jump at me and pinch my arms or hands!
This makes perfect sense....but, I'm wondering: does that mean my 2 day olds I got from a breeder will be less attached then the ones I hatched?

Probably depends on how much they are handled and how much you interact with them doesnt it?
My buff orpingtons are the same way and they are almost a year old! I have to admit I love it. When I'm in the coop and the 3 of them are standing on my feet it really makes the other chickens curious too. Walking in the coop is tricky. I secretly hope that they never stop!
Maybe when you let them out, you could toss really great treat in one direction and then run like heck the otherway. Out of sight, out of mind, or something like that. If you feel they are suffocating you, have a nice talk with them and say you need more space. Please be gentle.

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