My Ivy.. Latest Relapse...She's Gone

Well, I'd never heard of that. Interesting. Currently, I dont have any birds with a crop issue (praise God!). I'm not sure that wine would help an infection like Ivy has, but I can see that it may have benefit in treating crop problem, killing fungus and germs in the crop.
Cyn, I know how hard it is. We do the best we can. Our birds rally the best they can. But, at some point, we can't ask anymore, and they can't give anymore. My thoughts are with you as you try to figure out this moment for yourself and Ivy.
and more
Sure hope she pulls out of it for you, Cyn.

I remember feeling so helpless with my Red, and then my Dash.

Red still amazes me, all that oil I put up her hiney and she tolerated it so well. Poor baby.

I know how helpless the feeling is and your doing all you can. Many hugs to you, Cyn.
Poor Girl. I am sending some more blueberry pancake mix for your crew. Hug her for us all, she is in my thoughts and prayers.
I picked up sweet little Olivia yesterday. Can't see that there's been any change in her abdomen, sadly, which is rather what I expected. Well, we tried. Now, it's a matter of time. I would just rather go out and find them passed away instead of watching them slowly decline. I've been there too many times. Thanks, Ladyhawk. You know how much I love these girls.
Aw Cyn
I know how you love those girls (and boys) I am like you though would rather just find them passed away than watch them go downhill. Prayers for can happen
Ivy's situation to me illustrates how important it is for folks to pay attention to keeping a healthy flock. If she had not been in robust health when this ovarian thing hit, she never would have pulled through twice, and gone back into lay each time, with no egg issues like soft shelled eggs, etc. Even now, unless you pick her up, you'd never know she was ill. There is a luster in her plumage and a glow to her eyes, comb and wattles that really masks her seriousness of her internal issues. Someone not been in tune with their flock would never have noticed anything wrong till she began to act listless or had serious trouble breathing. It's a good idea to pick up each bird every week to check for something like this and avoid "mystery deaths". I realize it's hard when you have a lot of birds, though. Even I miss picking up every one of them, especially the ones who don't like that type of attention.
I know you're right, Cyn. My alpha bird has only laid one egg in the last month and a half. I can't see anything wrong with her. She is eating like a fiend, beautiful, big and still bossing everyone around. But, I can't help but wonder if it is more than the rest period of winter. Tiny changes of any sort make me so wary. I can't imagine not noticing anything until they are nearly dead. But then, I have a tiny backyard flock.

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