My Ivy.. Latest Relapse...She's Gone


Intentional Solitude
Premium Feather Member
17 Years
Feb 3, 2007
Blue Ridge Mtns. of North Georgia
Ivy was on her death bed at the same time my RIR, Rosemary, was dying from internal laying. I'd lost three before those two began showing the same symptoms. In fact, Rosemary and Ivy were in the same separation pen together, both skin and bones. Rosemary passed on and I knew Ivy was next....but then, we decided in a last ditch effort to save her, to give her penicillin injections for three days. She actually began to get better, she was more mobile and alert. We let her go back with the flock and slowly, she gained her weight back and then later, began laying again, with good shell quality, etc. Ivy now has a little one-week- old daughter with Dutch that we've named Fern. She is being cared for by my banty Cochin, Shadow. For folks who remember that time and supported me, here is a picture of my Ivy so you can see how good she looks. Ivy is 3 yrs and 3 months old now. She and Lexie were my very first BR girls.

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LOL, thank you. I love Ivy and Lexie alot. They aren't my oldest girls, but close in age to those others, and thinking Lexie was a cockerel for so long made me want a BR rooster when originally, I didnt even want a rooster. Now, I have several and love them all. And I adore Barred Rocks in general. So, hopefully, Ivy will live at least a few more years with us.
Sad update here. We let the main flock out to freerange. Ivy and my Buff Orp, Ginger, came up to the steps and sat close to each other. I noticed that Ivy was breathing hard, almost gasping, and seemed very sleepy and lethargic. I realized that Ginger wasn't leaving her side, which is unusual for Ginger, who loves to roam far and wide when they range. I picked Ivy up and first noticed some dried poop on her bum, but some of it looked suspiciously like dried egg yolk. Then we noticed her abdomen was very bloated and full. We took her up to the house and used a needle to see if it was fluid. Only a tiny amt of yellowish fluid came out. I fear her abdomen is filling with egg yolk and infection. I did suspect that she might have a relapse in the future, that we had only postponed the inevitable when we saved her last year. Ivy is three and a half years old, as is Lexie, who was brooded with her. Ironically, I have two of Ivy's daughters here, Fern who is 9 weeks old and a younger one still with her broody mom, who is 2 weeks old, the first of Ivy's kids I've ever hatched here. Not sure if we should give her a round of penicillin or not. If we do, not sure it will help again.
I so sincerely hope you'll at least try Speckledhen! What's to lose in the effort?

I know how much you love your BR's. Having three little pullets myself, I fully understand why too! Such beautiful creatures both inside and out!

I'll be thinking good thoughts for Ivy's recovery.
I do so hope she makes it! 3 years and 5 months is just too young to die for any hen!! Please keep us updated on her condition.

*edited for accuracy of and my math!
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