My Ivy.. Latest Relapse...She's Gone

The experiences I've had with internal laying/egg peritonitis in this flock do make me extra sensitive (or paranoid, if you will) to changes in any one bird. Hopefully, your hen is just in a slow period. Many of mine didn't lay for ages. And my blue Ameraucana hen, Charlotte, came back into lay after months off, laid one egg, then did not lay another till a month later. I was worried, but she's laying fine now, so maybe yours is okay.
I sure hope so! They primarily eat Layena crumbles, with treats of oatmeal with quinoa, flax, and a little pulverized shell. Barely a handful of scratch at bedtime, with BOSS. Free choice oyster shell, and free range greens and bugs, which are primarily earthworms in the winter here. Throw in an occasional cabbage and that's pretty much it. She eats it all.

If I was here more, I'd add yogurt and meal worms. If she doesn't start laying soon, I will find a way to do that.
Well, it's pouring rain, making a mud slick and DH won't let me go out. Everyone is locked inside for the time being. I guess Olivia and Ivy are still functioning or he'd have mentioned that one or both didn't look good. Ivy should be getting another dose of pen-G today, but that's the last time. She's getting 1 full cc a day, about twice the normal dose, but this is a 'go for broke' situation.
I read almost all of the posts in this thread yesterday. I'm so sorry about your hens, speckledhen.

I think it's just about the most touching thing that you care so much for them! They are truly more than just livestock or poultry, they are God's creations too, and are beautiful little lives. It's really inspiring to see how much you care. Although the situation is so sad, and for that I'm very sorry, it was uplifting to read this and know that there really are people out there who care for these animals like the precious things they are.

Wishing you the best of luck with Ivy and Olivia.
Thank you so much. I just don't have it in me to maintain emotional distance from my birds; sometimes, I wish I could, though. Would make things like this easier, I suppose. They're just as much pets to me as any dog I've had and the personality of each one is unique and special. I realize that I will lose them all, one by one, as they age, but the first bunch of ladies have a special place in my heart and I want each of them to live a long, happy life in fresh air and sunshine, scratching in the dirt like a chicken should (now, if I could just have some of that sunshine about now....
Yes, me too! Although I don't spend a whole lot of time communicating with folks here, I read constantly - and your threads are ones I search out over and over again for sensible advice as well as inspiration when I feel frustrated. Best of luck with your beautiful birds.
I know that feeling all too well too Cynthia. You sit there and keep hoping that you're just imagining things. It drives one up the wall. Like Clarissa for example. To this day I don't have a clue as to what her problem is.
Maybe she suffers from S.A.A.D (Seasonally Affected Attitude Disorder) Humans get it, why not chickens?

I'm still thinking about you and your girls Cyn. Still holding you all firmly in my thoughts and prayers. Especially little Ivy and Olivia. I know, and understand, just how much they mean to you lady!
At least you know you've done everything humanly possible for them. And they know how loved they are for it!

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