My kids forgot to feed or young chickens

Try giving her some molasses mixed with water. That'll give her a boost. ;)
No molasses! It can have a laxative affect. The chick needs hydration not flushing.

DIY Homemade Electrolytes, a little sugar water or just plain cool fresh water are fine.

Homemade Electrolytes:
Per 1 Gallon of water, mix:
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda​
  • 1 teaspoon salt​
  • 1 teaspoon potassium chloride OPTIONAL​
Once she's hydrated, then offer wet soupy chick starter. A little egg is fine too, but work on fluids!
I have a diabetic cat, and the suggestion that (heaven forbid) if a cat ever has low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) is for karo syrup/white corn syrup be rubbed on the gums or even syringed into the rectum to save the cat, because the syrup is a single molecule sugar called (monosacharide) glucose, which is immediately taken up into the bloodstream and needs no breakdown to be immediately usable. Honey, cane sugar, molasses are have multiple sacharrides and must be mostly broken down first by the body, in effect requiring energy use prior to providing more energy.

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