My ladies are eating like pigs!!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Feb 15, 2013
Central Indiana
Hi - I have 29 laying hens, almost 2 years old and we have been going through feed like crazy lately! I started buying the Nutrena "Feather Fixer" feed because I had so many going through molt, or just finishing and my eggs were almost non-existent (about 6-8 eggs/day!). They have picked back up on egg-laying (getting about 12-15/day now), but we are going through feed like crazy!! I bought 2 (40 lb) bags on Wed, mixed in some cracked corn and by Sunday they were out of food already! I have been supplementing with table scraps as we are in winter and they HATE going out in the snow -- even bought them a whole head of lettuce as a special treat, along with some cabbage too! Occasionally, they get some fruit and bread scraps too.

Any thoughts?? Does this seem like a LOT of feed in such a short amount of time to y'all??
50-60 lbs/week is what we were doing before we headed into about 6 months of molt between all of the birds. My husband & I were just wondering if maybe they were knocking the feed when flying off their roost (it's kind of in the middle of the room, but somewhat in front of the door to the outside. So we might try to move the feeder and see if that makes a difference.....but that is a lot of food!! :/
The rate isn't too high, especially for winter. You should feed it straight, not mixed with corn. They can and do beak out the feed to get to tastier corn.
Likely there is a fair amount of waste going on - either by them beaking feed out of the way to get to choice morsels of corn, shifting of the feeder, a combination of the two, etc. What type of feeder are you using?
Also - is your enclosure secure? With the weather changes not only are your birds going to increase feed consumption, but so do other animals. If your coop is at all accessible to certain animals you can lose an incredible amount of feed in a short period of time.

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