My leukemia's back.

I have said on here so many times, on threads where people have asked how they'd know if their chickens were singing the "egg song" that it sounds like this exact song sung in chicken-ese!

Too funny!
To Ole' Gray mare, "the fringe" happened bc of something I said a while back. I like it and I think it fits most of us
I never knew there was anything weird with singing the egg song with my chickens or bawk bawking back at them and such.

And, btw, the name of my farm is Mad Hatter Farm. I think that says it all.

Good morning Rachel!
When did you become "the fringe?" I know that you're like the pretty little surrey - just got a fringe on the top - but I thought you were the Broody Magician.

I am not the 'fringe'. I simply live on the fringe of so called 'normal' society. I thought that I was alone there, and then I met the Princess, and now I have met all of you.

Nope on the 'pretty', and for sure there is little to no fringe on top.
Speaking of living on the fringe....

Apparently our neighbor to the back has continued to complain to the city about our hogs. Now, the Powers That Be have decided we do fall under city rules and our hogs weren't grandfathered in. Squeaky wheel much? At least the horses and chickens are safe, we've had them since we moved here, and actually so did the folks we bought the place from. Honey's working with a planner to get a variance to keep the pigs until butcher, which could be as soon as mid August if we take them smallish. Our county fair is the last week of August and we'd planned to wait until mid Sept, to get the fair pigs cleared out of the butcher shop, but we may have to go first. If we have to move them, we do have a friend willing to house them for us. The fun part will be moving two half grown pigs, how exactly are we supposed to load them in the truck? I sure can't help, for one I'm simply not strong enough and second that's just what I need is to get kicked and have my skin broken by a nice clean piggy foot--no thanks! Not to mention we just bought 1500 lbs of hog feed, that will have to be bucketed into trash cans in the truck to be moved. Grrr.

On the better side, lasagna for dinner and I decided to roast some garlic today for it and to marinade some chicken thighs in. So, my house smells like roasted garlic, which is a bonus to me!

I know it's completely un-Christian of me, but knowing how much the complaining neighbor loves his landscaping (he was always freaked out our goats would hop the fence and get in his yard and destroy his specimen plants) I can't help but thinking a buck and pregnant doe rabbit need to find their way back there some mysterious way
. Not that I ever would, of course, but you know how the mind comes up with these things when you have a lot of time to think.....
Rachel, sorry about the complaining neighbor, that stinks. If I'd known 4 weeks ago you were going to need a pregnant rabbit, I would have sent you ours (she has a litter of 7...want them?).

Your lasagna is going to be so good. I love the smell (and taste of roasted garlic).
Maybe you should take a bag of hogcrap over there and say that you've noticed how nice his gardening is and hogcrap is supposed to be THE best fertilizer he can use. Tell him your friend that you supply hogcrap for has won gobs of blue ribbons for his vegetables already and the friend is thinking about buying a hog just for supplying this fertilizer in case anything happens to yours.
We're actually looking at selling our place and moving. We've know this is not our forever home, but had thought to wait until the boys were out of school (4 more years). This has just stepped things up some. I'm not sure said neighbor understands the most likely folks to buy our place are marijuana growers
. Maybe he thinks skunk smells better than pig, who knows. Not sure how he'll react when they top his pretty board fence with 3 feet of black plastic, hope he likes his view then!

I'm so petty......

NFC--thanks for the offer, but no rabbits needed here! It would be far too tempting.....I have to admit, by first thought was to toss a goat over the fence. then I thought of the gift that keeps giving--a pregnant rabbit!
I guess that I am naïve, but I figured people in Oregon would be more rurally (guess that's a word) minded than here in NJ. People on my road are great and everyone minds their own business. Guess it's just the luck of the draw. I don't think that you are petty, but then again I am prejudiced.
NFC--thanks for the offer, but no rabbits needed here! It would be far too tempting.....I have to admit, by first thought was to toss a goat over the fence. then I thought of the gift that keeps giving--a pregnant rabbit!
Are you sure you couldn't use a few of these? They're really cute and they eat and poop a TON! They're 4 weeks old now and could begin reproducing at any second, lol.

You're probably better off just moving. Once a whinny neighbor gets their way, they'll find other things that aren't satisfactory to them.

And you are not being petty, not at all.
Good morning Rachel and Team!

So Rachel, how's everything going? Any progress on the pig front?

What's everyone been up to, I miss hearing from you all!

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