My leukemia's back.

So I'm a bit down and hopefully unloading will help. I have a friend (heavy ex user of chewing tobacco) who developed cancer of the larynx. He was given chemo and put into remission for several years. Well it came back a bit ago metastasized to his bones. Treatment had been going okay, but a recent fall and bone/muscle damage have resulted in a major 'attack' on the part of the cancer. Spoke to him today, and he has not given up the battle but is starting to make plans for relocating some of his dogs. I told him that I would raise, start and train a litter of pups with the optimistic outlook that they would eventually be returned to him. I'm not optimistic. :(

That sounds like a bad one!

I have read that chewing tobacco and cigars are bad for that type of cancer
sour, that's the big problem with cancer. A very few can actually beat it, but far too many beat it, only to discover years later that it's back with a vengeance. That has been my experience, and of the majority of survivors. When mine came back, it had also metastasized to my lungs, and bones. Yes, I have bone mets. While none of it is any good, the bone mets are usually the bigger threat. I hope his oncologist gives him the same chemo he went through before, since it was successful, then starts him on Zometa to help with the bone mets. Inhibitors may help too. I've managed to squeeze out an extra year so far.
I am hoping you get more years too!
On an upbeat note...

My brother-in-law has started chemo. (Insurance finally got in order)... so far so good.

And he did get a detailed scan to check for mets, and they didn't see any.

So good!

Which sure is nice.... because they have a bunch of kids that I really do not want to be responsible for.... :oops:

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