"My Life as a Turkey"

OH, if only I had known that was on.......I'm raising my first two turkeys ever this year. A Royal Palm and a Blue Slate. I was lucky enough that the RP is male and the BS is female. They were straight run.

I love them so much, I can't eat them. They're so interesting and wonderful.......
Husband even liked it! He's convinced we need turkeys. That was some serious devotion, from dawn until dusk, every day, for a year and a half!

And poor Sweet Pea.
I really enjoyed it and now I want some turkeys! Hope a lot of unknowledgeable people don't feel the same way and a lot of turkeys get hatched and raised then trown away when they get tired of them.
They did a great job filming the birds and other creatures.
I loved it, too. But, I was a little concerned about the reinactment of the snake eating the poult. I wonder where they got the poult to reinact the scene and hope they didn't kill one just to film the snake eating it.
Too late, I already skipped it, but saw who got voted off. Survivor has been losing my interest during the last few years.

However, Coach is soooo obnoxious!
Fantastic,the setting was beautiful and wasn't it just too cool? Can you imagine the devotion he gave those birds? I kept trying to count them didn't come up with more than nine threw out the film.

Too sad when the two main characters came to their end.
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I'm just glad we watched this before we processed our Thanksgiving flock earlier that same day....we would have had a few disappointed customers when we called and told them their dinner had been given a pardon!
It was on again over the weekend!
After seeing the first few posts, I was so happy that I was able to see it.

Back when I used to work for a vet, I used to raise baby things. The COOLEST things ever were 4 yellow-shafted flickers. They were cuddly and affectionate when they were tiny. Had all sorts of adventures learing to eat ants and bugs as they started to fly. And came down out of the trees to visit throughout their first summer. One by one, they migrated away (as they were supposed to) and the next spring when I saw one and called - it answered! It never came to me but I like to think that it was one of mine; come back to it's 'home yard' and answering to a call that used to mean 'mom'.

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