My Little Idaho Flock


6 Years
Nov 20, 2013
Although growing up on a farm I have only been into (backyard) chickens for a short time, a little under 2 years. My first flock I bought as chicks, 4 barred rock and 4 buff orps, ended up giving away 2 of each breed to get another person started. I also ended up acquiring a somewhat feral mutt hen and her 6 chicks and although my girls didnt care for them they seemed to live in peace. Everything was cool in my little chicken world, I would let them free range and just sit and watch them for what seemed like ages. Earlier last week I was letting the girls free range and had forgotten to latch the gate at was the biggest mistake I had ever made. The next morning my whole flock was dead...2 eaten, 3 just killed for fun, and the rest just gone. I allowed a dog or coyote to walk right into the pen and have its way with my chickens. I was so upset with myself and at first vowed off of chickens, but that didnt last long. I came across a local craigslist ad for someone who was giving away 2-3 year old hens because they had just gotten to be too much of an expense. I grabbed the biggest dog crate I could find and headed that my surprise she had about 20 chickens, all barred rocks, a fluffy headed hen, and a turken. She said take as many as I want so I snagged 7 good looking barred rock pullets and brought them home to fill the void I had created. I learned a lot with my first flock but I have a feeling these good looking girls will teach me a thing or two in our long and safe time together.

Anyways...sorry for the wall of text. Here they are, I will get more/better pictures of them and our set up this weekend.

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I am so sorry about your loses. Don't beat yourself up, it happens. But I am glad to hear you recuperated from the trauma and got right back on the horse! I mean the chicken!!!!

Very nice looking flock and good luck to you in all your poultry adventures!!
Here are all my ladies, this is the first time I have let them out to roam.

I am not sure if this one (the white headed one) is a barred rock or not...but she is my fav.

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