My little Nando just will not grow! Update: He's found a forever home!

Nan is the reason I quit "lurking" and registered the other day! I can't wait for the saga to continue!
I have a GLW she is a runt who was raised with a duck, inseparable, moved them in with two pullets about the same age and the runt puts up with nothing from them and there a third bigger...of course I think she thinks she a ducky. LOL
Give her a chance. She's just the runt. My last batch turned out to be all roos but one was a runt.I was holding out hope but no he caught up in size. About a month to 6 weeks behind I would say...
Thanks for all your kind comments and encouragement! Nan is a runt for sure, but I believe she may have genetic issues as well. Her feather pattern is all wrong and her head shape is not normal, not to mention curled toes and long, skinny, bent feathers. We love her just the same and maybe a little bit more for it!
Her sisters and her got to spend the day outside in the run like big girls. They will be tired and ready for nest tonight!

Wish I had better pictures this week, but she was in the longer run and wouldn't let me catch her. I had to zoom with a camera phone that has no flash which makes for lousy pics. Her feathers are starting to open out. I must say, she ROCKS her own vibe..


White feathers, black feathers, orange feathers, long, short, wavy, straight, you name it, she's got it.

For those of you that love a good 'fighter story,' have you seen these threads? I'm loving this little bugger...

and Daisy 2 or Blossom is one of the best stories going..
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Peanut is so CUTE!
I recognize those toes. Are you going to attempt to fix them?

@ urban hen momma, That is so great! Welcome to BYC .
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Nan is a little beauty. I do love her curious feather situation. It is going to be lots of fun seeing how she develops. What a delight she is!!! She certainly does ROCK her own vibe! So glad you are sharing her w/ us! Thank you!
awe! I love Nan! Adorable and what a story. I love her crazy feathers!
I've had a couple banty's like that. Actually have one now. The first one lived a long normal life and was super sweet. She was a tiny game hen that at full size still fit in the palm or you hand and laid the teeny tiniest eggs. I've got another little while one that is just like her now. 12wk old and we've got song birds in the yard bigger than she is! lol!
@ urban hen momma, That is so great! Welcome to BYC .

Not sure its worth the hassle, If she ends up a he, and its a genetic thing ( I'm searching for causes) he will be stew............sorry to say, I can only keep 2 roosters I will end up with 20 or just under hens, and I'm afraid if I keep peanut if he's a roo, he will breed it into the flock.......sooooooooo
If she stays a she, I will keep her for sure, but from what I read about fixing them, it doesn't always work the chicks hate it and it really doesn't seem to hinder her in anyway, so I don't really know what is the right thing to do torture her a bit and fix em, or just wait and see what happens????????? wish there was an easy decision,what do all think is it worth fixing??

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