My mom diagnosed with breast cancer new update 1/15/10 on page 5

I'm so sorry..
thanks everyone, it is just so hard to wrap our minds around this, but she has a really good attitude about it, and we are very hopeful. Her plan is to do what the doctors tell her, pray, and let God take care of the rest.
May I ask how old was she? All for the more reasons we need yearly or every two years of mammograms (for those who had checked out negative with x amount of mammograms or no family history of it).

Prayers sent!
My mom had breast cancer all the way up into her neck. They put her on an experimental drug and it went away. That was
Ten years ago. I know it seems horrible and unstoppable, but they have come a long long way in cancer research and I know she will get the best care available. Keep the faith and keep her smiling and laughing. Have a lot of funny DVDs, books, and people around her. laughter is truly one of natures best medicine.
Best of everything to you! Do not lose faith. Keep a smile on your face and you will be a blessing to her.
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