My mom diagnosed with breast cancer new update 1/15/10 on page 5

my mom is 68 years old, not a spring chicken, but not an old lady either. It was discovered by mammogram, she had no idea it was there.
When the doctor took it out it was the size of a quarter. Now she is going to have a masectomy because the cancer cells are still in her breast, and now it has spread to her lymph nodes. We are praying that the doctors can do that and she will be fine. Thank you everyone for your prayers.
Oh sweetie I am so sorry. You are in my thoughts and prayers
My sister just had her 5-year CLEAN check-up - WooHoo! Her experience sounds very similar to your Mom's ... There are a LOT more happy stories out here. Try to stay positive for yourself AND your Mom! Sending good thoughts your way!
Thoughts and prayers going out to your Mom. One thing to remember is ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING when it comes to cancer. If you think it's the worse thing in the world (it's not) that's how it's going to treat you.

I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Grade 3 Breast Cancer in June of 2008. I spent a year of my life fighting. Folks on here can tell you, I REFUSED to get down. Even when the chemo kept me in the bathroom for hours at a time, I REFUSED to let it beat me. I allowed myself to cry, just ONCE. From then on the fight was on. I had to keep reminding my wonderful rock (my DH) that if he wanted to keep bringing that kind of Karma into our lives then, what he feared most would happen. He finally got it; from then on kept telling people it was, "just a bump in the road"

I am now 1 year post surgical. I have lovely new tatas!! My last chemo treatment was in October.

Your mom can beat this but is going to need your help. Keep your chin up, especially when you are with her. No pity parties in front of mom, remind all your realtives of that too. I had to convince my ma to stay in Jersey because I didn't need taking care of. (I did allow her to come when I had surgery) Allow her to live her life as normally as possible. (I tried to work, but it just got to be too much)

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Come Feb. my mom will have her 5 year clean mark.

When she had her surgery I brought her over warm meals but soon as she felt up to it she was back at all her usual activities.... painting, quilting, and trips with her "crazy" friends. She too was in her 60's and is now 73.

Dear Father God in Heaven,
Blessed is Your name. I believe in God the Father All Mighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth. I believe in Jesus Christ thine Savior who died for me and those who chose to believe and I believe in the Holy Ghost who guides me. I come to you this night to offer up in prayer a mom who has been diagnosed with breast cancer. Though I know not her name or where she lives, I know that You do and that today You have received multiple prayers for this mom. I know You know how special our moms are to us and so we come to You today on this night and the days forward to ask for Your hand in comfort and healing and strength beyond measure. Please wrap Your loving arms around her and make everything ok...In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

Love in Christ,
That's the attitude of a breast cancer survivor I would like to see! May each and every woman in this country and abroad take breast cancer to heart! Even right now the politicans and insurance companies are duking it out, it would be a BIG disservice IF they decided that all women would start mammogram later in life. I can not see taking a risk even you do not have a great chance but there IS a chance of getting cancer.

Gretchen, that was a beautiful prayer! Thanks!

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