My mom has a brain tumor....*update*

Thank you....I'm just in shock...we have no cancer history in our family...she's 54 years old...I'm (almost) 37 weeks pregnant.....

You better call dh and tell him to come home!

He doesn't have a cell and they're bucking hay....he'll be home after he picks up a couple ton of hay...the truck & trailer only holds two tons at once and he was gone when I got home an hour ago...
soo praying for you!!!!
FB can be such a sad part of peoples lives especially finding out such heartbreaking news double hugs
I know this a horrible shock for you, and you are very upset, but please do try and stay calm. (I know, easier said than done) We sure don't want the baby in any stress either. I'm so sorry your going through this.
This is a terrible way to discovery the news! Sending positive vibs from the East Coast.
Try to be optimistic - your courageous outlook will be helpful to her.
I know.
My phone still has not rung...I'm packing it everywhere. I'm hoping DH gets home soon....I haven't fed or watered anything yet and don't know that I can right now....

Just sit still and let the Bhicks contractions subside...get a nice glass of cold water or a caffeine free cup of hot tea with honey while waiting... ooohhhmmmmmm ooohhhmmmmm think positive happy thoughts...

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