My name is Sam and i'm addicted to chickens and goats. -pic heavy-

Congrats on your babies!

I, too, am a chicken and goat addict. However, I did myself a favor and got only wether goats so I wouldn't end up with more. There's a dairy not too far from me with beautiful goats, but I managed to restrain myself this year from buying more wethers . . . . gotta save money for chicken coops!
i got tired of paying for goats milk so talked hubby into 2. cause it takes 2 to get babies. well the bucks gone but got little oreo to keep goldie company then babies came and then got lighting piced below cause well need more babies next yr. well now goldie only purduces enough milk for me. so need a fullsized dairy goat....... see they cycle here.

chickens started out as 8 meaties and 5 hens.
oh speaking of 2 eggs hatched and 1 is a rocken. i'm proud of home mede bator and the test eggs. I had 2 dozen eggs bake in failed bators.

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hes gone from the broody cat to mother hen though is he guarding so he gets to eat them 1st?

any ideas what this 1 might be? little chimpmunk stripped to start with. yellow legs.
Great pics!

Just sold some duck eggs to a gal. She is as bad as we are AND she offered me some goats. Her females are due in May and June and she has 5 goats already.....

I have wanted goats and am now considering it.... got to figure out how to broach to hubby though.

I dont even know what breed she has.... I know she has them for milk.

Have to email her and ask her what breed so I can research and learn more to be able to convince hubby......

I just got him 2 weeks ago to agree to George the duck and Spirit and they are in my house now growing up......

BUT, they would be grown and outside by the time baby goats arrived.
I too am addicted to chickens and goats.

We have 12 adult chickens, and another 35 or so chicks in the house and garage PLUS lots more coming.

Hubby is lactose intolerant but can have goat's milk. So can my son. So, as for goats, our 5 year old nigerian dwarf doe is hugely preggers and probably will drop quadruplets in a couple of weeks (she had 4 the last time too). Mated her with an angora to make the Nigora breed. Her 1 year old half-sister is also pregnant but not due for another 6-8 weeks. Also have a wether and a newly acquired buck.

We've got babies and gonna have more! Woohoo!

ETA: Now have 51 chicks with another 6 coming this friday and another 54 eggs due to hatch this weekend.
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babys are to cute i was at a goat friends today and we dehorned my babies after the little doeling was chasing after him kicking and jumping. this 6ft something 40+ male grinning like a little boy "is there anything cuter" nope not really. puppys are cute. babies are too. but name i don't know.
We would like to have a goat, but our front yard where the pen would go, has LOTS of periwinkle and I was told it is a VERY BAD plant for goats to consume. sooooo, no goats.

Yours are beautiful!

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