My neighbors are complaining about my girls!!

I find it amusing that people who complain about chickens making some noise during the day are willing to listen to someone's stupid mutt(s) bark 24/ 7.
In my limited experience I too believe that it is the individual chicken that is quiet not the breed. For 3 1/2 years I had 4 Wyandottes, my first flock. When 1 died I tried to add a couple didn't go well. I then decided to cull the flock, starting new with Orpingtons & Austrlorps, after getting the idea that they were quieter. No way are these girls quieter.
Get down to legal limits & try to keep the girls occupied. Tell your neighbors that if you are forced to get rid of the hens, they will be replaced by the legal limit of canine. Barking complaints seem to be very low on the priority list at least around here. I would much rather have a neighbor with hens!
I find it amusing that people who complain about chickens making some noise during the day are willing to listen to someone's stupid mutt(s) bark 24/ 7.
In my limited experience I too believe that it is the individual chicken that is quiet not the breed. For 3 1/2 years I had 4 Wyandottes, my first flock. When 1 died I tried to add a couple didn't go well. I then decided to cull the flock, starting new with Orpingtons & Austrlorps, after getting the idea that they were quieter. No way are these girls quieter.
Get down to legal limits & try to keep the girls occupied. Tell your neighbors that if you are forced to get rid of the hens, they will be replaced by the legal limit of canine. Barking complaints seem to be very low on the priority list at least around here. I would much rather have a neighbor with hens!
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If you've cut morning light, you can add it at the back end of the day.  Some neighbors just like to complain.  As long as there is not a noise ordinance that you are disobeying, you are within your rights. That being said, as neighbors, we should do what is in our power to keep the peace.  Perhaps planting some dense shrubbery between your yard and the neighbor's yard.  Even a well constructed privacy fence will go far to cutting the noise.  Keep your flock size within the legal limit.  While an exuberant pullet can be noisy, often dogs are even noisier, but overlooked as a neighborhood irritant, because they are more common.  Many dogs are incessant with their barking.  Personally, I'd not feel obligated to give away eggs to keep the peace.  Depends on your supply, and otherwise on your relationship with the neighbors. It can eventually lead to an expectation.  Sorry.  I work hard, 365 days/year, my chicken housing is expensive, as is their feed.  I'll gladly sell them, and share them WHEN it's my idea to do so, but never out of obligation.
thank you I will add light later in the day that is a great idea. And yes all I ever hear is dogs barking all day and night arround my neighborhood I cant believe their complaining about my hens. I am just going to hide 5 of them in the garage when the animal control come f that I alread got rid of 3. And now the girls arent loud AT ALL. so there should be no more complaints. Plus this neighbor had SO many cats so idk why she is mad about my hens.
thank you I will add light later in the day that is a great idea. And yes all I ever hear is dogs barking all day and night arround my neighborhood I cant believe their complaining about my hens. I am just going to hide 5 of them in the garage when the animal control come f that I alread got rid of 3. And now the girls arent loud AT ALL. so there should be no more complaints. Plus this neighbor had SO many cats so idk why she is mad about my hens.

Are the cats within the legal limits? If not bring that to their attention & tell them to back off or else!
Is there anything worse than having to go outside to break up a catfight at 2am? I just had to do it, which is why I mention it. I don't have cats! Your neighbors got a lot of nerve whining about your hens
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