My New Baby

Oh my, are you sure that's a duck? Looks more like a stuffed animal! 😍

Once s/he's around 6 weeks old you'll either hear quacking or a more raspy frog like sound. Ducks quack sooner than drakes.
Ducks quack, drakes croak.
I can often tell by their feet coloring but that's not always accurate.
Males will get a curly feather on their tail.

Do you have any other ducklings so this little one can have some friends? Ducks are very social and enjoy having other ducks. If not, s/he is more likely to imprint on you rather than other ducklings. S/he will be very clingy.
I suggest getting a stuffee animal and a mirror for the brooder.
I don’t have other ducks I have peacocks and my one peacock is imprinted on me is not happy about the situation right now😂 i am considering Getting another duck to keep this one company although I love when the imprint on me and are my buddies (I wk from home)my life revolves around my animals.) I gave the lil one a stuffed animal last night in its pen to have something to sleep with. I like the mirror idea will do that today. This lil one is a big talker. Haven’t had ducks since I was a kid so obviously will take all the advice I can get.
It is best not to put very young babies in water, they haven't got the oils on their fluff yet, but if you are there with it is probably fine.
Oh yes I was right there and the water was only a few inches deep and I never walk away and leave any baby alone ever not even for a sec. (I’m over protective I have been told😂) it was only for as long as the baby wanted which was about 4 min. Today he/she was really into it and swam for about 7min and again later for about 5-8 min.
Adult girl ducks are noisy, boy ducks are not.

If you have a single duck it will bond to you, if it is a boy it will still bond to you, but I would not put it with chicken hens. I don't think you have a boy though because the eye stripes look dark. Boys eye stripe is still there, but more faint.
As long as it stays happy and healthy I don’t care if it’s male or female. Just want to be able to name it. So I’m looking for names that work for either sex

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