my new bunny hutch


Master of the Silly
11 Years
Jul 11, 2008
Winter Haven, FL
well dh finally built it and cherry loves it!

OK, PLEASE READ~ This isn't our first rabbit, comment on the build of the hutch or don't leave a reply. I KNOW how to keep a rabbit!! I am not trying to be mean i am just not 12! My post wasn't for help raising rabbits, it was about my DH finally building the hutch.Thanks~


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Just as a caution, you're going to want to replace the floor. Chicken wire is too thin/flexible, and won't hold up long, and will likely damage the rabbit's feet.
she gets treats daily carrots, lettuce or any other organic veggie's we have. We keep the hay for the goats

She doesn't need a space to get off the wire. That's how she was keep prior to buying( caged with tons of other rabbits). Mind you she also gets let out daily and played with. She rides around in the wagon with my kids who pet and love her.

Is the bowl i use for food OK

It's not my husbands first rabbit, he raised them when younger. That shot was taken before he even put the latch on. He walked away and i snapped it real fast!
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We had bunnies when I was little and they ate pelleted rabbit food and the veggies we had left over. They were very healthy without hay.

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