My New Button Quail Pair!!! ** ( PIC HEAVY!!! ) **

Mrs. Fluffy Puffy

Fluffy Feather Farm
12 Years
Jan 26, 2010
Texas, Panhandle
Today I picked up a pair of Button Quail. Brought them home and set them down in their carrier in my room. I shut my door and my mom was helping me with them. So I open the lid and the female button flys straight up and gets out!! AH! So she is flying everywhere and me and my mom are trying to catch her ... finally we caught her and put her in the pen! The male was alot easier to catch. The female was really upset and hid in her nest for about .... 10 minutes ..... then she would come out for a few seconds and go back in. She is still in her nest.
The male is just the cutest lil' thing! I Love him already!!! We named the female "Bunny" and the male is named " Buttons."
It was too cute ... just a minute ago I heard the male whistle!!! It was so loud and cute!!! * Aw!!! * He makes alot of different sounds, one is like a low growlish kinda thing, one is just a happy chirp and one is a loud Whistle! lol
What do they mean?

What color would you call them? If the female is upset, will she not lay an egg for awhile? Or will it take her alittle while to ajust to her new pen etc? Do you have any tips on getting them friendly? Thanks and Enjoy!
The happy couple.



Buttons, the male.

The nesting box.

Parakeet food, and grit. They have layer ration, as well.

Their pen they're in at the moment.
Congratulations, Mrs. Fluffy Puffy on finally getting your buttons. You are very well prepared, and they have a wonderful home. She may lay one or two eggs (already in line) and then quit for a while. Get everything set the way you want it, then don't change it.
I would suggest getting baby button quail instead of adults. That way you can tame them. These two I have are very stand offish and hate to be messed with and just wild as can be. But they're the cutest little critters to have!! I have my own TV in my room!!! LOL
they are regular old fashioned chinese blue buttons. Also known as wild color. This is their regular coloring. I think that the males are just beautiful. By the way I have had a many a female fly out in my house but never a male, the males are always easier to catch I have NO IDEA why lol. When I moved them outside in their little pen I opened the door to feed them and a female was close to the door needless to say she flew the coop and never looked back. Though I have found some stray eggs on the floor near the pen and I believe she is roosting near them sometimes. I never see her but if shes laying near them she hasnt gone far. She is probably eating the seeds and feed our ducks have out in the yard. Wish she was in the pen with everyone else but HEY atleast shes okay and sticks around.
I knew they're the wild color, just didn't know if there was a "Color" you called them ... Thanks!
Thats odd! That the way this little male is! lol he is so layed back and isn't scared of me.

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