My new chicks, and I have a troublemaker


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 4, 2011
:DPicked up our new chicks last weekend! We're so excited. We've never had chickens before, and these are going to be the backyard kind. We've got a Barred Rock and a Cuckoo Marans that seem to be around three or four weeks old, according to the hatchery, and we have a Buff Orpington and an EE that are just about two weeks old now.
They're all getting along fine. I was hopeful that the older ones wouldn't pick on the little ones, and they seem to be doing great so far. The little ones seem to like hanging out with the big ones, like they're looking for a mommy

The Barred Rock seems to be the troublemaker of the bunch. There's always got to be one, right?! She's the one who gets on top of the feeder and waterer, looking for a way out the top, or starts digging to China in a corner. She also seems to be the most curious and forward of the bunch.
I'm calling them "she" in hopes that they're all girls. The Barred Rock has more feathers than the Marans, and her comb seems to be bigger, and she's a little bigger. I'm so hoping she's not a rooster. I think she's got the coolest personality!
My daughter has named one, but I'm afraid to name any others just in case they're roosters. We can't have one of those.
I'll have to wait until I'm allowed to post pics here and see what everyone else thinks.
Happy Day!!
Congratulation! My BR is one of my favorites too. I hope they're all girls.

Were they straight runs or sold to you as pullets?
My first batch of 3 had one barred rock who was very aggressive and the leader of the pack. I was terrified that she was a roo, nope, just alpha. My second batch of 3 had another aggressive one but a lot more aggressive but also crows...
When mine were little the BR grew the quickest and was the first to try to fly out of the brooder. We can probably tell by her feathers at this point if she is a boy or girl if you have a picture to post...
This Barred Rock is the sweetest. She falls asleep when I hold her really quickly and is the first to stand up and look at me really closely when I talk to them. She seems to have some spunk!

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