My New Coop! 3/14 Today's progress pic on post #356

Speaking of coffee....what's up with the new avatar Buster?


Never mind...he changed it.

I stole it from a friend. Figured I'd be nice and return it. I would have had to take it to a tailor to have it fitted to me.
Give Buster a break. I think the progress is amazing. Just a week ago
that coop looked like this:

Thanks Cyn.
I know you would if you could.

I've framed the floor and one wall now. The bummer is that I don't think it will fit under the trees I wanted it to without lopping off a lot of branches. I may need to wait until DW gets home and discuss a new resting place.
One more thing- my buddy didn't bring by the nail gun so I've been pounding these in the old-fashioned way. Ya'll will be so proud.

I haven't split a stud or plate and haven't smashed any fingers.....yet.
I had to Q.A. it, hens don't lay as well when their coop is outta square. I put a machinist sqare to my screen, looks good.

However I will point out, the ink on boards, 3-5-6 has the ink facing the wrong direction.

I finished my brooder today, I purchased the material this morning and took a couple hours off work to get it finished.

Now I have to clean off the counter in the basement tomorrow, so you can expect some photos tomorrow.

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