My New Coop! 3/14 Today's progress pic on post #356

From the pics you've been posting that Heeler of yours looks like the jealous type. You might want to look for freshly dug holes in the yard.
I'm with you guys- maybe the dog ate them.

I borrowed a tape from some of the construction guys working on the road next to my house and measured and cut the last bit of the OSB for the high wall and got it up and got one rafter up before I ran out of braces for the rest of the rafters. $8 worth of ties are keeping me from putting the rest of the roof on.
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Why is the poor dog getting all the blame all the time for things going missing? She looks to sweet to do anything like that. I bet it was those thieving chickens thinking it was something to eat! And when they found out it wasn't they just kicked them under the coop to frustrate you!
Worse news- The braces I was lacking are only about 50 cents a piece, so my project was held up on a nice weather day for parts worth $2 total.
The good news is that DW is buying them on her way home from work at Home Depot, where she is also buying me a new tape measure. Hopefully the weather holds tomorrow and I can get the rest of the rafters up. I'm so close I can taste it.

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