My new goats are screaming!

I dunno, my goats scream everytime they see people, any people, expecting to be fed.They even see us when we are in the house and scream. They are not undernourished by any means, they just demand things. I think from previous posts, that is what goats do, although I believe some breeds are worse than others. My dairy goats are the worst, my boers, not so much. My one neighbors goats do it too, but the other neighbor, they do not make a sound but I think thats because they are fed so mcuh they can't move. Seriously, they are way over fed.
It will get better and I know it is hard. I just brought home a Nigi doe about two weeks ago and even with my other goats she cried and cried. She is now happy and a love.
Very interesting!

I just got two Nigerian wethers -- one about 8 weeks, the other about 10-11 weeks -- on Saturday. The younger one will scream for a couple of minutes after I leave the barn, but neither one wastes time just standing around yelling. I guess I got lucky there!
My Saanen cross twins carried on for about a day and a half when I got them. More worrisome, they wouldn't eat.

Was the Nigerian weaned before you got her, or was it wean and move in one step?

How are they adjusting now?
But why? I mean, why not go out there and show them that humans can provide comfort? I'm not suggesting the following, BUT... When my daughter was 10, she got an 8 week old pygmy for 4-H and slept with her (and a girlfriend) in the goat house the 1st night. If the baby hadn't started sucking on my daughter's hair, creating a gnarley dreadlock, it would have been perfect! Seriously..LOL!
Anyway, I'm the kind of person who rarely feels guilty or wrong about following my gut when it comes to comforting critters (regardless of the neighbors' sentiment). I comfort because it makes ME feel better!
Good luck!

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