My new Horsey is coming!!! Update: Pictures :)

What is his name??

I've got belgians and grade drafts/draft crosses... love the black clydes! how exciting!
I LOVE Belgians. One of these days I'll get me one too!!!! But right now I will stixk with my breeding, there isn't too much room for horses to be kept for pleasure.
Well, that is what hubby said. After I filled the incubator chock full of eggs the other day. And he had his talk about all of the animals we have with me again. But he loves them too.
Congrats! Waiting for the arrival of a new horse is even more excruciating than waiting on eggs to hatch

I'm jealous right now because my coach and two of my barnmates have horses on the way and I have to wait over a year for my new horse... BUT I can't be too jealous because I have a wonderful gelding who is doing fantastic AND providing everything goes smoothly I will also have an adorable little foal running around the summer after next
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Yeah! Getting new horsies are so much fun! I hope he arrives safe and sound. You better post pics! Don't leave us hanging!!

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