My new Horsey is coming!!! Update: Pictures :)

Sorry guys! They just got here. It is 3AM now. Said they had some loading problems. And now...

He is AWESOME!!!! So excited. He is the cutest doll ever. What a friendly little horse!!!

Sorry neighbors for having a semi parked in front of your driveway at 3AM. Won't happen again...for a little while
Oh, and I did try to take a picture. He is still camera shy and a little worn out from the trip. He travelled with 4 Suffolk Punch stallions. Poor little guy, they probably whinneyed his ear off. Well, he is home now
I should probably go to bed. Got to get up for work in 2hrs

Thank you all for being so excited too
*yaaaaaawwwwwwnnnnn* Today? Is it today already?

Sadly yes it is! Grab some coffee and go to work! Glad he made it safe and sound!!!

I am at work

I just want to go home and hug my new horsey! He is so sweet, he kept whinnying for me everytime I tried to leave for a second. Very personable little guy. And he is oh so shiney. Might need a winter blanky. My horses have turned into wholly mammoths and he still looks like a horse!

Oh I love jumping. I used to do it quite a while ago and just haven't gotten myself to get back into it again just yet. I took some upper level dressage lessons last year at another farm, that was a ton of fun. I just don't have the time for it this year. What breed did you use for jumping?
Oh I love jumping. I used to do it quite a while ago and just haven't gotten myself to get back into it again just yet. I took some upper level dressage lessons last year at another farm, that was a ton of fun. I just don't have the time for it this year. What breed did you use for jumping?

I used a quarter horse for awhile then a tenn. walker. Also a few ponies
Pretty much anything at the stable that was being trained or needed training that owners didnt want to do. I had a quarter horse one time throw me off on a jump. (this horse hated me from day one) Threw me into the coral fence. I broke the bottom 2 boards and had a concusion. I quit shortly after that to focus more on school and other activities i was in. Oh and a paso. Forgot about him.
Oh, don’t you just love those falling off stories. I had a horse like that in Germany too. Actually both of my jumping lesson horses at that barn were insane. Would go absolutely berserk after going over a jump. Never knew what that was all about and I just switched stables. I did jump a little with the Clydes, well, what their size allows them and they actually like it. They also do improve quite a bit with cavaletti work. It seems that everytime I had a cavaletti in the middle of the arena, the girls would steer right to it and wanted to go over it…and over it again…and again. So much fun!

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