My NEW Light Sussex (with Pics!)

I'm sure their combs will darken eventually. They are probably still just stressed from the shipping. I've seen one of my hen's combs go from white pale then flush back to dark red in a matter of minutes, usually when something startles or stresses her.
Yeah, I'm hoping that's what it was...they are eating/drinking like little piglets! I even gave them an Asian pear which was gone in minutes...but they show no interest in the wheat I sprinkled in their pen. They've been going through 2-3 FULL feeders of starter per day.
They're VERY nice! I was going to ask about the combs...yep, they look pale. I'm sure shipping is very hard on them, I bet they'll do just fine after a few days! BEST of luck with them - hope you'll be breeding more!
There's a few different things that can cause pale combs and wattles. Anemia, parasites, coccidiosis, a number of different diseases. Are they showing any other weird symptoms? Huddling? Diarreah? Lethargic?
Hopefully it's just the shock of the transport, it could take longer than you might expect. Maybe give them a natural wormer like cayenne pepper or DE, or get their poop checked by a vet to know for sure, some ACV, check for lice or mites?

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