My new Peafowl.....can anyone tell me their colors?

i'm not a professional but my best guess is the hens are ib. a little dark tho - maybe mixed with something...
the peacock is definatly black shoulder, but i'm not sure what makes his tail have that color to it.

They're beautiful :)
Well how old are they? Its possible - anything is :)
one of mine has spaulding in it. - its crest (the pretty feathers on top of the head) is a little normal in front - thin stick like with feather on top, and mostly java looking - thin long feather with no change at the top. I don't see that in yours, but that doesn't mean there isn't any.
Here's a photo of our houdini's crest. the thin long crest feathers are a java feature and can show up in spaulding mixes. (Spaulding means it has some green blood in it, whatever the persentage.)
The hen in the first picture is 4 yrs old, the cock is 7 years old and then the last hen is 2 yrs old. This is what the guy told me when I got them. I really like them and it doesn't really matter to me what color but wanted to have an answer if someone asked. I want to get a pair of whites one day and probably a cameo and a bronze, maybe a purple too. I just love them. Got to sell some miniature horses and donkeys to get my funds up so I can buy them when I find some. Thanks everybody!!!
Those hens are definitely not 100% IB, they are too dark and seem to have some rich brown on their breast/belly (unless there is something odd about the light...)
Your new peas are all beautiful, congratulations and welcome to the pea universe!
Have you bred them and hatched babies? I have some IB blackshoulder birds split to other colors such as midnight and bronze and they seem to have more purple irridescense in their trains than a plain IB BS. You could have birds split to another color. You should hatch them this year and find out.
Would agree with them being spalding, even the male. Too much colour on them to be just IB. May or may not be split to any colour, spaldings have a wide variety of colour variation even between siblings.

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